Draw circles to summon an army of rainbow minions in this chaotic action game, and see if you can get on the leaderboard!

You can play with mouse only, or with controller. Mouse: LMB to move, RMB to draw, scroll wheel to cycle through minions. Controller: left stick to move, action button to draw, LT & RT to cycle through minions.

Meet your minions:

The Gem Grunt. This unit is free to cast, chases down enemies and bonks them for grunt damage.

'Splosion Shroom, the BOMB. This minion sends out clouds of spores that deal AoE damage, and when it runs out of health, it eXpLoDeS!

Beam Goblin, the SNIPER. This stationary little gobo shoots beams across the entire map, dealing high damage. 

Gollum, the TANK. This minion does not deal damage, but will keep your enemies busy a long time.

This game was created by: Castitatis - Game Systems Programmer & VFX Martin - Music, SFX, and balance Maya (aka amberfall) - art and animations

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorsMaya Carter, Castitatis
TagsArcade, leaderboard, Ludum Dare 55, Pixel Art, Top-Down
LinksLudum Dare


Day2.zip 17 MB

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